Thursday, August 6, 2015


          For years now, people have been asking me, “When are you going to write a blog?” They ask me this because I have been chronicling my commute between Fort Worth and Dallas through daily Facebook posts. Some of them are witty, some of them are sad, and some of them are just mere observations. Whatever the angle, I seem to have gained quite a following. So much so, in fact, that on a day I skip my ride and drive to work, I will get messages asking if I am ok because folks have logged on to see their circadian tidbit, and when it is not there, they become concerned. Or maybe that is my ego talking. Maybe they are just missing their slice of humor. Whatever their reason, I’m glad to know that even in this small way, I am helping some folks through their day. Providing them a little escape from their humdrum plod through the ordinary.

                So if you are here, and if you are reading this, I say, welcome. Sit back, relax, and join me –

                On the train.